Request In-Person or Virtual Presentations Request a Speaker
Financial Matters equips Minnesota students with the tools necessary to develop sound money management skills. Through interactive presentations, industry professionals help students become financially literate. Available to teachers of grades 6-12, the program brings volunteers into the classroom to educate students on a variety of real-life financial topics from credit and budgeting to buying a car and insurance.
As an educator, you have the ability to work with Financial Matters volunteers to incorporate real-life lessons into your curriculum. Scheduling a volunteer through Financial Matters is easy and flexible. Learn more below or request a volunteer to present in your classroom.

“The Financial Matters program provides information that is absolutely vital for students to succeed as they head out to post-secondary education and the workplace.”
~ David Lawson, Bridges Area Learning Center Teacher
- Banking Services: checking/savings accounts
- Budgeting Matters: needs vs. wants, benefits of budgeting, opportunity cost
- Buying a Car: financing your car, considerations to make when buying
- Car Insurance Matters: teaching teens to save money through safe driving
- Credit Matters: credit scores, types of credit, use of credit
- Housing Matters: renting vs. owning, determining housing based on your lifestyle
- Identity Theft: what is identity theft, and how to protect yourself online
- Income Tax Matters: federal and state income tax, tax rates, filing a return, the W-4 form
- Insurance Matters: health insurance, renter’s insurance, and car insurance
- Investing Matters: diversification, investing strategies, types of investments
- Middle School Matters: introduces basic budgeting concepts and financial decision geared towards sixth through eighth-grade students
- Money Matters: spending, saving, sharing, personal values relating to money
- Paying for College: cost of college, where to find money for college, what to do now to prepare
- Tax Matters: the purpose of tax, sales tax, property tax, income tax
- Your Money Personality Matters: learn your money personality to understand how you think about spending, saving and using money

What happens after I submit a request?
After you submit a request you’ll receive an automated email letting you know that we received your request. Then in the next 5-7 business days, the team member assigned to work on your requests will email you to confirm the details you sent. Once you confirm that the details are correct, the team member will begin reaching out to volunteer speakers.
How likely is it that a speaker will be able to come?
With four weeks’ notice, we are able to fulfill most requests (85%). Since we are working with volunteers there are times when we are unable to find an available speaker. If this does happen we will let you know and try to work with you to find alternate dates or topics.
What if my class’ availability changes after I submit a request?
Just let us know as soon as you can. We understand schedules change and can be flexible if you need to change dates or times.
Do you offer virtual presentations?
Yes! During this time of distance learning, we are offering live or recorded video presentations. Contact us to gain access to the videos.
How much does it cost?
Nothing! This program is completely free to educators.
Can I request topics other than the ones listed?
Of course! As long as the topic is related to business and financial literacy, we are happy to try to find a speaker. Keep in mind that it may be more challenging to fill a request if the topic is very specific.
If I want to request a specific speaker, can I just contact them directly?
We ask that you don’t reach out directly to our volunteers, but you are welcome to add a note to your request that you would like a specific speaker. This allows us to keep track of how often we are asking speakers to volunteer and make sure we are respecting volunteers preferences.
2023-24 Impact Numbers
The Financial Matters program makes an impact annually on the students in the program.




Financial Matters News and Events
Want to volunteer for Financial Matters? Find Out More