Introducing students to the global economy, business, and the power of investing
Thank you for participating in The Stock Market Game! This hands-on investing simulation is a great way for students to learn and practice financial literacy, business, math, economics, critical thinking, and so many other skills.
Please use this webpage as a resource while you facilitate SMG with your students. You will find information on getting students started, program guidelines, introducing the program to your students, and a variety of resources to use in class to support students’ learning and maximize their experience with SMG.

Use these resources to help you get students started using SMG and to support your work in facilitating the program!
If you are already registered for The Stock Market Game, log into the Teacher Support Center at to access many of these resources and dozens of lesson plans.
Contact Stephanie at if you need help logging in.

These are great resources for students to review and engage with to support their participation in SMG.