Join us at Minnesota Business Venture (MBV) this summer! BestPrep is seeking volunteers to participate in a variety of half-day opportunities at MBV July 9-14 at St. Cloud State University and July 23-28 at St. John’s University. MBV offers a variety of ways to make a direct impact on the next generation, while developing public speaking and presentation skills. Volunteer opportunities are also great for groups!
Mock Interviewers are needed on Tuesday, July 11 or 25 from 12:30-3:00 p.m. Volunteers will conduct 10 minute interviews with up to six students. Students will receive on-the-spot feedback, as well as written notes from their interviewer. 60 volunteers are needed.
Financial Planners are needed on Thursday, July 13 or 27 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. Volunteers will presentation on budgeting and investing, using a pre-created PowerPoint. Students will get the chance to ask questions and discussion financial topics with volunteers. 30 volunteers are needed.
Business Plan Judges are needed on Thursday, July 13 or 27 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. Volunteers will listen to students’ business plan pitches and provide feedback on the presentation. 40 volunteers are needed.
If you’d like to learn more about these roles check out our website. To register for any of these great opportunities complete this form or contact Julie Anderson, janderson@bestprep.org.
For those seeking to make a big impact while developing their leadership skills, the week-long Resident Business Leader role may be a perfect fit. Volunteers stay on campus for the week, mentoring and guiding a group of approximately 12 students. Learn more to see if this is the right fit for you or someone you know.