BestPrep is freshening up the Technology Integration Workshop (TIW). We have enlisted the help of Technology Integration Specialists and past attendees to review and update aspects of the TIW. A team is currently searching for and recruiting new speakers, and will also help review proposal submissions to ensure that breakout topics are relevant and diverse across the technology spectrum. (Submit your suggestions or session proposal online.)
A team is also reviewing and updating the TIW’s unit plan. This is the cornerstone of the workshop and allows participants to apply their newly learned information to concepts that they will teach in the coming year.
The TIW is open to K-12 educators and filled with a wide variety of keynote speakers and breakout sessions for every level. Participating educators report that the four-day workshop helped them learn new skills, gain confidence using technology, and get a first-hand look at the places their students may work one day.
Join us this summer to see these refreshed components of TIW during the workshop from July 31 to August 3 at the University of St. Thomas in downtown Minneapolis! Register online at www.bestprep.org/tiwapp. Save $25 by registering before the end of April. Discounts for multiple teachers from same school or district are available. Contact Bonnie Vagasky at 763-233-6330 or bvagasky@bestprep.org for more information.