The Annual Luncheon event on May 9th, 2022, at The Depot Minneapolis was a remarkable success! Every year, BestPrep celebrates and honors the incredible work of our students, teachers, and volunteers with the Annual Luncheon. For more than 45 years, BestPrep has been the linchpin pulling everyone together to ensure that students have a successful career journey. BestPrep’s mission is to prepare students with business, career, and financial literacy skills through hands-on experiences that inspire success in work and life. The Luncheon was able to celebrate our partnership with the 450 educators and 5,600 volunteers who have helped us serve 40,000 students this year. What an amazing impact!
We were honored to have Ben Johnson, Head Coach of the Gopher Men’s Basketball team, VocalEssence Singers of this Age, and Vineeta Sawkar at the event. Our keynote speaker, Ben Johnson, was a highlight of the Luncheon. He presented his keynote address “Drive to Success,” which walked us through his personal story growing up in South Minneapolis as a star basketball player at DeLaSalle High School all the way to today as the head coach of the University of Minnesota basketball team. We were honored to have Ben with us and to hear about his inspiring journey. We also held special presentations to BestPrep’s Volunteer, Educator, and Student of the Year Awards.
Thank you for celebrating with BestPrep as we recognize the students, teachers, and volunteers whose efforts have been outstanding during the 2021-2022 school year. The Luncheon is a great event to recognize company volunteers for their involvement with BestPrep and to introduce new people to BestPrep’s programs. Thank you to everyone who attended our 2022 Annual Luncheon!