Day three of Minnesota Business Venture! We began the day with a welcoming message from BestPrep staff, then transitioned to Mock Interviews! We had a number of volunteers come to campus to give students interviewing practice. Every student interviewed for a specific job and received feedback and tips from their interviewer. Each camper all did an incredible job! A huge thanks to the amazing volunteers who came to serve as mock interviewers!
After lunch we were introduced to our keynote speaker of the day! Oie Dobier, founder of Bloomdocking, spoke on “Starting a Business” and about the myths surrounding starting a business. It was evident how much she passion she has for what she does. We all appreciated how engaging she was. Thank you, Oie!
After the keynote, we went into Business Plan Breakout Sessions in which students could chose between the topics of Marketing, Finance, and Operations. In these breakouts, students discovered more about their role and gained skills to use in their business plans.
As the week continues, we are excited to see students continue to grow and learn!