Day two began (as good days do) with an awesome breakfast in Garvey Commons. Tired students and staff came to life as they drank coffee and conversed with those around them. After a quick overview of the day with their companies, students went to hear a shareholder address from entrepreneur Joe Keeley in Ritsche Auditorium. Joe Keeley is the founder and general manager of College Nannies + Sitters + Tutors, based out of Minneapolis. He spoke about entrepreneurship and how his company went from a small business he founded while in college to an international organization, currently serving children and parents at nearly 200 locations. Joe described the 10 different “chapters” he had to go through during his journey from an entrepreneur to an “intrepreneur.” At the end of the session the students were given the opportunity to ask him questions and left feeling inspired.
Students engage with MBV in-person and on MBV’s social media accounts. Throughout the week we will be giving the students opportunities to earn TQ (Total Quality Award) points by interacting with our social media accounts. TQ points are given to students seen going above and beyond in their interactions with other students, speakers, or just at camp in general. The company that collects the most points will earn a prize at the end of the week. Today, we put a post on Snapchat asking the students to tell us something that they learned from Joe Keeley’s speech and that we had 2 TQ points to give away. Numerous students responded to our prompt and we awarded the first two companies a TQ point each. Here are some of our favorite responses:
After Joe’s speech, the students met outside for one of the best parts of camp: Camp Jam. During Camp Jam, the students had to complete a list of activities within 30 minutes. Challenges included juggling, bottle toss, poem writing, chanting their team slogan, escaping a human knot, and many more. The winning team of Camp Jam was “Company I,” and they received prize bags for their efforts. The companies also elected a spokesperson to read the poem they created out loud for the CEOs to choose the best one. Companies J and K won the poetry competition and each received 1 TQ point!
After lunch, students attended four different Breakout Session on “Soft Skills.” Eric Forstrom and Chuck MacArthur from U.S. Bank spoke to students about Presentation Skills and told them “the truth about public speaking.” Other students attended Conflict Styles, a breakout session by Mary Soroko of the Herberger Business School. She highlighted the 5 conflict styles: Competition, Collaboration, Avoidance, Accommodation, and Compromise, and how to address conflict in different ways based on the situation. Sara Olson from Allianz Life taught the students about Emotional Intelligence, why it matters, and how to improve their EQs. Additionally, Heather Rosales from RBC Wealth Management taught students about Teamwork with a strong emphasis on communication.
MBV’s wonderful host, St. Cloud State University, gave the students the opportunity to learn more about their school and its programs during the SCSU Host Promotion. The companies were split into two different groups. One group went on a tour of the campus, while the other had the chance to win SCSU gear when they played a game of Kahoot! with the SCSU staff. After dinner, all of the MBV campers and staff congregated in the Quarry Amphitheater for a group photo. Students then went to a company meeting in which they began discussing their business plans and splitting into marketing, finances, and operations teams. They ended the night with free time to socialize, spend time in Halenbeck Fieldhouse, and prepare for tomorrows mock interviews. We can’t wait to see what the 3rd day of camp has in store!