Adia Vang, Woodbury High School and PSEO student from Century College, attended BestPrep’s Minnesota Business Venture (MBV) in 2023 with prior knowledge of business and entrepreneurship skills that she acquired from her courses. Thrilled by creating and executing business plans, she knew she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to expand her knowledge at MBV.
Being a more experienced student, the value of MBV presented in opportunities to lead, network and build on her existing skills. This enhanced her experience by being able to help her peers create a business plan and recognize her own personal development. “My experience at camp was amazing! It motivated me to keep going and strive for a career in accounting and it also helped me put the skills that I learned from MBV into practice in my business studies.”

[Adia Vang (left) helping with business plan at MBV.]
Adia’s volunteerism extends beyond MBV, helping at the Annual Luncheon and Educational Forum.
Adia’s future is bright, her goals include receiving her high school diploma and her associate’s degree in business in 2025, followed by attending Minnesota State University in Mankato to pursue a degree in accounting.

[Adia Vang (right) with board member Rhonda Dean (left) volunteering at the Annual Luncheon.]