For 25 years, Allianz Life has partnered with BestPrep to prepare students with business, career and financial literacy skills they need for success. The company has provided BestPrep with financial support as a longtime top donor and by encouraging employees to volunteer in BestPrep’s educational programs.
Allianz Life is involved in many BestPrep programs and one of their biggest contributions is through The Stock Market Game. BestPrep is proud to offer The Allianz Life Challenge, in which volunteers from the company serve as Classroom Advisors to participating student teams. These advisors give a presentation at the beginning of the session and stay connected with students via email. Approximately 800 students compete against other teams in The Allianz Life Challenge and the award-winning students are honored each spring in a ceremony at Allianz Life’s Golden Valley offices.
Allianz Life employees volunteer around 3,000 hours each year and provide BestPrep with more than 200 volunteers. Each summer, the company sends 3-6 employees to serve as Resident Business Leaders at our week-long program, Minnesota Business Venture.
Over the past eight years, BestPrep has also formed executive leadership connections with Allianz Life. The company’s CEO, Walter White, has volunteered in our eMentors email mentoring program and has spoken at The Stock Market Game’s Allianz Life Challenge award ceremony. Brian Peterson, Senior VP of Financial Services, is a frequent BestPrep program volunteer and chair of the Allianz Life Financial Literacy Council, which drives employee volunteer engagement.
Marc Olson serves on the BestPrep Board of Directors and volunteers in the Classroom Plus and Financial Matters programs, as well as serving on Financial Literacy Council. Laura Juergens, a former BestPrep Board Member, is also a member of the council. BestPrep is grateful for these individuals’ commitment to making a positive impact on students’ lives.
BestPrep is proud to partner with a company that is dedicated to preparing students with the financial literacy skills needed for success. Thank you to Allianz Life for supporting BestPrep. We look forward to continuing our partnership in the years to come.