BestPrep opened its doors on June 14, 1976 and over the course of four decades has connected the business and education communities of Minnesota, bringing critical real-world skills to 1.6 million students.
This milestone year achieved outstanding results. BestPrep’s programs grew by 16%, resulting in 67,000 students served. Our special events had over-the-top attendance with more than 1,800 guests attending the Educational Forum in November, Birdies for BestPrep in January, and the Annual Luncheon in May. And to top it off, we’ve seen record growth in support, both in fundraising and volunteerism.
To commemorate this year, BestPrep is honored to share with you our 40th Anniversary Magazine. In it, you’ll find stories from students, teachers, volunteers, and donors. You’ll learn more about our extensive history as well as our ongoing efforts to serve Minnesota youth with new programs and experiences.
Put simply, a milestone like this would not be possible without you. We thank all who have supported and participated in our programs and events over the years and hope you’ll join us as we tackle the next 40 years and beyond.