The predicted workplace shortage in Minnesota is a growing concern. You can have an impact by hosting a teacher for a job shadow at your office this summer. Sign up as a Business Partner with BestPrep’s Technology Integration Workshop (TIW)!
Volunteers from a diverse range of industries from manufacturing to journalism; engineering to financial planning show teachers their workplace and give them firsthand knowledge of the skills students will need to succeed. Strong technology skills at work are not necessary, teachers want to learn directly from you about what “a day in the life” is like.
Attend a lot of meetings? Take your assigned teacher to a meeting. Work in a print shop? Take your teacher around the shop and explain a sample print job.
Mon., Aug. 1st: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Business Partner volunteers attend a provided lunch at the University of St Thomas Minneapolis campus, where you’ll meet your educator partner.
Tues., Aug 2nd: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Teachers will meet you at your workplace for a half day job shadow. From there, the schedule is up to you! You can show the tasks you do; attend a meeting, introduce to colleagues, and answer questions about the things their students need to know to be career-ready.
We anticipate 80 teachers attending the TIW, and would like to fill all volunteer positions by June 30.
If you’d like any more details about being a Business Partner, contact Tyler Ormson at tormson@bestprep.org or check out our site here!