Classroom Plus Program

Request Speaker Presentations Request a Speaker

About Classroom Plus

Classroom Plus focuses on business and career skills by offering a unique opportunity for business professionals and teachers to work together to educate Minnesota middle and high school students on topics such as career options, building a resume, interviewing, and business etiquette. Bridging the gap between lessons learned in the classroom and skills utilized in the workplace, this hands-on program brings speakers into classrooms in addition to providing mock interviews, workplace tours, and more!

As an educator, you can work with Classroom Plus volunteers to incorporate real-life lessons into your curriculum. Scheduling a volunteer through Classroom Plus is easy and flexible. Learn more below or request a classroom speaker volunteer or mock interviews for your students.

students with classroom plus instructor working around table

“The opportunity for our students to gain direct access to a knowledgeable and passionate professional through Classroom Plus was fantastic and one our kids won’t soon forget. Students were engaged and are still asking questions about and discussing the potential of a career in the field."

~Brandon Maxwell, Stillwater High School Teacher

Career speakers talk about their career path, education and daily responsibilities in fields such as:

  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Carpentry
  • Communications
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Financial Advising
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Project Management
  • Realty
  • Sales
  • Sciences
  • Trades

Topics related to preparation in careers and business:

  • Business Etiquette: professionalism, workplace communication
  • Entrepreneurship: innovation, risk & reward
  • Interviewing: etiquette & attire, forming good questions & responses, interviewing soft skills
  • Leadership: leadership traits, challenges
  • Networking: what is networking, why is it important, how to network
  • Personal Branding: presenting yourself, characteristics of your brand, defining your personal brand
  • Philanthropy: what is philanthropy, importance of giving
  • Public Speaking: presentation skills, verbal/nonverbal communication
  • Resumes: format & creation, resume builders, what employers look for
  • Teamwork: interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, time management

Workplace Tours (Limited Availability):

As part of BestPrep’s Classroom Plus program, students and their teachers visit professional workplaces where they are given the opportunity to see and experience company life firsthand.

Mock Interviews:

As part of BestPrep’s Classroom Plus program, students can practice their interview skills virtually or in-person. Business volunteers will give your students the experience of a job interview while providing feedback. We are offering mock interviews virtually or in-person at this time, due to distance learning.

Educators, contact us to learn more about Mock Interviews.

What happens after I submit a request?

After you submit a request you’ll receive an automate email letting you know that we received your request. Then in the next 5-7 business days the team member assigned to work on your requests will email you to confirm the details you sent. Once you confirm that the details are correct, the team member will begin reaching out to volunteer speakers.

How likely is it that a speaker will be able to come?

With four weeks’ notice we are able to fulfill most requests (85%). Since we are working with volunteers there are times when we are unable to find an available speaker. If this does happen we will let you know and try to work with you to find alternate dates or topics.

What if my class’ availability changes after I submit a request?

Just let us know as soon as you can. We understand schedules change and can be flexible if you need to change dates or times.

Do you offer virtual presentations?

Yes! During this time of distance learning, we are offering live or recorded video presentations. Contact us to gain access to the videos.

How much does it cost?

Nothing! This program is completely free to educators.

Can I request topics other than the ones listed?

Of course! As long as the topic is related to career and business, we are happy to try to find a speaker. Keep in mind that it may be more challenging to fill a request if the topic is very specific.

If I want to request a specific speaker, can I just contact them directly?

We ask that you don’t reach out directly to our volunteers, but you are welcome to add a note to your request that you would like a specific speaker. This allows us to keep track of how often we are asking speakers to volunteer and make sure we are respecting volunteers preferences.

2023-2024 Impact Numbers

The Classroom Plus program makes an impact annually on the students in the program.




school house icon



Classroom Plus News and Events

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Cargill – Celebrating 50 Years of Supporting Youth

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Shaping Futures with BestPrep’s Impactful Programs

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Charles Schwab: BestPrep’s Featured Partner

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Classroom Plus and Financial Matters Programs Are Accepting Requests for Speakers!

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Want to volunteer for Classroom Plus? Find Out More