BestPrep is committed to providing distance learning opportunities for Minnesota students, teachers, and volunteers. We are offering virtual options and additional resources to connect volunteers and students together to help prepare students with business, career, and financial literacy skills. BestPrep staff are available via phone and email.
See below for both school-year and summer programs to learn how educators can utilize BestPrep programs in this new distance learning environment and how volunteers can give back to students in our communities.

School Year Programs
Classroom Plus
Inspiring students to create a vision for their future through career exploration.
Teachers: Request virtual presentations from volunteers in the business world to discuss topics including career options, building a resume, interviewing, and networking. Options include recorded or live streaming recorded videos. For classes learning in-person, we may allow volunteers into the classroom.
Volunteers: Record a video or do a live presentation on career topics for students to watch and learn from home.
Financial Matters
Motivating students to make sound money management decisions and become financially savvy.
Teachers: Request virtual presentations from volunteers review subjects such as money and values, credit, budgeting, insurance, and buying a car. Options include recorded or live streaming recorded videos. For classes learning in-person, we may allow volunteers into the classroom.
Volunteers: Record a video or do a live presentation on financial subjects for students to watch and learn from home.
The Stock Market Game™
Teaching students about economics and investing, while applying math and research skills.
Teachers: Register your students for the SMG, where they will invest a virtual $100,000. The SMG is an excellent tool for distance learning, as many curriculum resources are available electronically. The program is accessible virtually for both students and teachers.
Volunteers: Volunteer as an InvestWrite essay competition judge as part of our SMG program.
Preparing students with the knowledge and skills needed for success in school, career, and life through a weekly one-on-one email exchange with a volunteer business mentor.
Teachers: Integrate eMentors into your virtual curriculum. eMentors is a great program to utilize while students are learning from home. Teachers will select topics based on curriculum objectives or standards.
Volunteers: Volunteer from wherever you are working this year. The eMentors program is now completely virtual. BestPrep has added additional virtual curriculum, beyond the weekly email exchange, that focuses on building the mentor-student relationship and increasing student knowledge about future career opportunities.
Cloud Coach
Strengthening student motivation to succeed in school and beyond through online mentoring.
Teachers: Provide virtual mentorship to your 9th grade students. Students are paired with a volunteer business mentor exchanging weekly emails where they discuss goals and dreams and the importance of graduating high school. Available to Minneapolis and St. Paul public high schools only.
Volunteers: Volunteer virtually from wherever you are. You will be paired with a student and will be provided “Gateway Prompts” that help you guide the conversation.
Summer Programs
Technology Integration Workshop (TIW)
Empowering educators with technology tools and business exposure during a three-day, virtual professional development opportunity. TIW is hosted in partnership with the Opus College of Business at the University of St. Thomas.
Teachers: The virtual TIW occurred July 27-29, with an optional workday and office hours July 30. Attendees were K-12 educators interested in learning best practices for integrating technology into their curriculum and technology tools that enhance student learning. Educators were given dedicated time and coaching to update a unit plan, so they’re prepared for the new school year.
Volunteers: Volunteers hosted a virtual job shadow as a Business Partner or led a presentation or breakout session. They helped educators gain insight on the technology, careers, and workplace skills employers are looking for when hiring.
Minnesota Business Venture Online (eMBV)
Igniting students’ passions to achieve success and develop career aspirations for the future through a virtual three-day business and career development camp. July 13-15 or July 27-29, 2020.
We hosted eMBV this summer online! Special thanks to our partners: University of St. Thomas and St. John’s University.
Teachers: High school students attended one of two MBV summer camp sessions in July. Attendees for MBV must have completed 9th grade.
Volunteers: Options included mock interviewers, business plan presentation judges, and Resident Business Leaders. Volunteers at eMBV worked with students to have a valuable summer experience that helped them become better prepared for their futures.