We’re proud to announce that RBC Wealth Management is this month’s Featured Partner! As a founding partner of BestPrep’s Stock Market Game in 1991, the company has been one of BestPrep’s leading financial and volunteer partners for over 30 years.
RBC has helped shaped some of BestPrep’s programs. The company has been instrumental in the creation of The Stock Market Game (SMG), in which students work in teams to invest $100,000 of virtual money in the stock market while also building a fundamental knowledge of the global economy. SMG is a nationally run program that is facilitated by organizations in each state. In 1991 the branch manager of Dain Bosworth (now RBC) received a call from the Security Industry Association asking if he knew of any organizations that would be interested in facilitating SMG for Minnesota. He called up BestPrep’s President and CEO, Bob Kaitz, who gladly took on the program.
Early on, RBC Wealth Management CEO Irv Weiser led the fundraising effort that launched the Stock Market Game in Minnesota.
RBC has also been a long-time participant of BestPrep’s eMentors program, which pairs a student with a mentor to discuss topics including college and career experience, interviewing skills, and more. Their volunteer efforts have gone above and beyond; RBC has provided more than 50 volunteers who have put in numerous hours into assisting BestPrep with its programs. Heather Rosales, the Vice President and Senior Manager in Field Training and Development at RBC, is a great example of an employee who has put in almost 100 hours of volunteering and received an award for her exemplary volunteerism and service. Additionally, the company is a regular sponsor of BestPrep’s Educational Forum special event.
RBC has played a major role in helping BestPrep accomplish its goal to inspire, educate, and connect with students. We are grateful to RBC for its commitment to education and for giving BestPrep the opportunity to help students gain more financial literacy skills with their help.
We salute RBC for its extraordinary dedication and continued commitment to the students and teachers of Minnesota!