Tyler Olson, an entrepreneur who started ten businesses by the age of 30, kicked off day 4. Tyler has been generating profits off his business ventures since the age of 12, and attended MBV himself. He became internationally recognized as one of the top 24 student entrepreneurs in the world from the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) competition. In one of Tyler’s businesses he works three hours a week and aspires to make 100,000 per year by next year. Tyler’s firsthand MBV experiences showed how much they can succeed when they put forth the knowledge and experienced gained here.
After Tyler Olson, students went to financial literacy sessions. The sessions that the students chose from were college payments, car insurance, renting apartments, and credit matters. During these sessions they learned how to manage paying for everything they’ll need. They taught the students about renting for the first time and how you can be a successful renter.
After lunch, students and had their afternoon company meeting, finalizing their business plans for the presentations tomorrow. They then headed to more speakers, on philanthropy and ethics. Philanthropy speakers talked about how they can help give money to others and led brainstorming sessions on what they’d give money to. Another talked about his struggles in life starting when he decided to try drugs in college. He told about how everything went south and how what happened to him was life changing. He taught the kids to watch the decisions they make so they don’t end up in the same situations he did.
Each company got together in their groups to make sure they have everything ready for tomorrow’s presentations. The skills they learned throughout the week has been very helpful for this phase. As students and CEOs had their longest meeting of the week, pushing to make sure they’re ready, the adrenaline started kicking in for some. The stress and tension built up, but the students were ready for the big day!