We spoke with FACS teacher at Tracy Area High School, Kristy Campbell, about her students’ experience with BestPrep’s eMentors program. This eight-week online mentoring program offers high school students the opportunity to develop a relationship with a mentor in a professional setting. Read below to learn why Kristy uses eMentors in her class, especially during distance learning and hybrid teaching.
Q: Why did you bring eMentors into your classroom?
A: It’s a wonderful asset for my ninth-grade students. They spend time exploring careers, learning about the job market, and begin preparations for postsecondary education or entering the world of work. The eMentors program allows students to network and connect with employees from various companies to learn first-hand about careers, education, employment skills, and soft skills needed in the world of work.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about the eMentors program?
A: My favorite thing about the program is the connections my students make with their eMentors. When we were in-person, the Meet & Greet days were the highlight of the program. Now that the program is all virtual, my favorite part is seeing the students engage in the advice the mentors give them and sharing that information with their classmates. The students really enjoy learning from someone in the “real world” and value their insights.
Q: How has eMentors helped your students and your curriculum during the pandemic?
A: We are currently in a hybrid model of learning in my district. I appreciate how eMentors adapted to the pandemic by offering interactive virtual activities. It’s easy to use in any learning model (distance, hybrid, or in-person). It is an interactive program that allows students to connect what they are learning in school, and how it will be applied in the world of work.
Q: Has eMentors made a positive impact on your students?
A: Yes! One positive impact the program has had on my students is enhancing their writing skills. As the weeks progress, students realize that they are communicating with a real person. Learning to write professional emails is an employable skill every student should know how to do. Another positive impact the program has had on my students is it increases their knowledge base about careers and postsecondary education. I have noticed that the emails prompt valuable discussions with students about these topics.