Nathan Dungan, the Founder and President of Share Save Spend, engaged MBV students about becoming more aware of money, habits and values. Dungan enabled discussions within student companies about sharing, saving, and spending. Why did he do this? As Dungan explains, “the choices we make with our money can change the world.”
Companies went head-to-head today during Corporate Olympics. From the human knot to charades, companies were striving for the fastest completion time. All had fun as they collaborated with their companies for one common goal – teamwork!
Students had the opportunity to sit in on some relevant breakout sessions, which covered the topics of Credit Matters, Buying a Car, Renting an Apartment, Paying for College, Emotional Intelligence, and Communication Styles. The students chose which two sessions would be most interesting or relevant to them.
A panel of former and current students from St. John’s University addressed MBV this afternoon. These entrepreneurs talked about starting a business, even in high school. One current St. John’s student did just that and recently sold that business he created. A former St. John’s student created his own business after college, now called Data Marketing, Inc. A third student took an internship in Washington, D.C. and also studied abroad throughout Scandinavia.
Together, these students all had the same message: Don’t be afraid to start your own business, even in high school. The only thing standing in your way is yourself.
To wind down the day, students had the opportunity to beat the summer heat by swimming in the pool here at the St. John’s campus. It was a great way to cool down after a long day outside.
Day 2 at St. John’s was even more thrilling than the first! Check back later for updates as the week progresses.