Week one of Minnesota Business Venture is sadly coming to an end. Today was Empowerment Day, was sponsored by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. A huge thank you to them for being today’s sponsor!
We began today with a welcome from Rob Goggins, President of Great Clips. As our first keynote speaker of the day, he spoke about Great Leadership. Rob gave advice to support students in their business plan work and to solve problems within their companies
The main activity of the day was business plan presentations. Each company presented their business plan, asking a panel of investors for a loan. Every company got at least some or even more of what they asked for, so congratulations to every single company for doing such an incredible job! Students have put so much hard work into these presentations, so when the hard work finally pays off, it is so rewarding!
After business plan presentations, we headed to our second keynote, Jesse Ross, who spoke about putting “Dreams to Action”. He shared about his life and dreams, inspiring all of us. He asked questions like, “What is your role?”, “What is your goal?”, “Who is the most important person in your life?”. We all thought deeper about ourselves and what we want out of our life. A huge thank you to Jesse Ross for giving us a proper send-off with the last keynote of the week!
To end the day, campers competed in Minute-to-Win-It activities and attended the dance. Both were very fun! Everybody seemed excited to have a last fun activity with all of the people they have met this week. Each staff member is so grateful for the students this week because they were all so dedicated and kind. We are sad to see the week wrap up, but we are all so proud of what everyone has done!