Today is day 3 of Minnesota Business Venture. Today is also entrepreneur day and is sponsored by Cargill. We appreciate our sponsors so much in which our sponsors are the reason that make it possible for our students to come to camp and make camp possible. We are so fortunate to be able to work with so many amazing sponsors who are committed to helping our students grow and learn and be successful in their future careers.
To start off the day, we had a quick morning session in the auditorium to talk about the plan for today and then headed straight to the mock interviews. Mock interviews are one of the most helpful things that we do here at MBV in which it gives students practice on how to do an interview and they get feedback on how to improve their interviewing skills so they can stand out in their future job interviews. Students must fill out their resume and pick out a job that they want to apply for. This creates students to be more involved and engaged because they get to pick out what job they apply for. Overall, the mock interview went amazingly well, and students had a great time talking to their interviewers while also learning so much about how to interview and how to present themselves to their future employers.
After our mock interviews, we had our campers go to lunch and then a small break to relax before we went into our keynote of the day. Today’s keynote speaker was Errik Koening from Koda home and garden. He talked about how he started his business and what made him so passionate and motivated to create this business. He talked about how important trade is in the construction and landscaping business and how much it can positively impact a business. Errik also talked about networking and how important it is to form relationships with other companies and people in the same field to grow your business. This was a very informational keynote in which Errik gave us so much information on the trade business and what it takes to be successful.
After our keynote speaker of the day, we went into business plan breakouts where each student learns more about their subcommittee within their company: finance, operations, or marketing. This helped the students a lot, in which it gave them a better idea of what they need to do to be prepared for their business plans and work more efficiently. After the breakout session, they went into their company meetings to continue working and then took a quick break for dinner and then attended their last company meeting of the day. After a long day of challenging work, the students had rec time where they went bowling, played arcade games, played ping pong, and several different sports. Overall, the campers had a long exhausting day, but it was filled with delight.