The Minnesota Business Venture Week 2, 2024 has officially started! We are so thrilled to have students and staff from all over Minnesota coming together in one campus to not only learn about business, but life skills in general for a full week at the University of St. Thomas! Today’s theme is “Dare to Dream”! We are thankful to 3M for being our sponsor for today! Each day we have a new theme and sponsor. We are very excited and grateful to our sponsors for making this camp possible.
As the students and families poured into the St. Thomas campus for the first time they were met with our adult and student staff, who helped them get all settled! After that, we had our opening session and welcomed our first keynote speaker of the week: Sally Phu!
She first talked about her experience growing up, the hardships she went through with strict Asian parents and teachers and how she overcame it. She then moved on to 4 fundamental relationships we should have and remember. 1. your community, 2. your friends, 3. your family, and 4. the most important one…yourself. Sally’s main message revolved around loving yourself and never being comfortable where you are, always continue to reach higher!
After our amazing keynote speaker students broke out into their various companies where they got to know each other with various icebreakers and activities. They later had a huge scavenger hunt where they got to explore the campus and ended the night with a skit competition, we call Junk Night! Participating in Junk Night gave campers the opportunity to get to build fundamental team skills which they will use later on in the week. Amazing first day!