Financial Freedom Day, sponsored by Piper Sandler Companies, has come to an end. Of course, students enjoyed fun activities, but the day was largely spent working on business plans. Presentations occur tomorrow!
At 9:15 this morning, Boz Bostrom gave a talk about money and values. Bostrom happens to be a professor at St. John’s University, so he knows the campus well. He was very engaging while walking through how our values match up with how we should spend money. Thank you Boz for speaking!
After the keynote, students went to Financial Literacy Breakout Sessions. Of course, all of our speakers were incredible. A big thank you goes out to Phil Xiao, Boz Bostrom, Ann Erickson, Emily Moslof, Jennifer Gerads, and Lisa Jemtrud.
A lot of the students’ time today was spent preparing for the Business Plan Presentations. Nevertheless, students were able to have Q&As about paying for their lifestyles with volunteer speakers. Students also learned about Philanthropy, which is a piece of the business plan. Once again, thank you to all of our speakers!
In preparation for presentations tomorrow, companies were cranking out information and PowerPoints. RBLs and other staff went around to other company rooms for practice presentations. Every company was able to improve their presentations, and they all felt more prepared for tomorrow.
All staff have appreciated just how excited students are to learn! Throughout the week, we have seen so much learning. To think that there is still over a full day left of camp makes us excited for what it will bring. Thank you to all speakers from today, as well as our sponsor, Piper Sandler Companies.