The key to BestPrep’s success has been the long-term consistent involvement of the corporate community. One company that has stood the test of time has been Thrivent. CEOs such as Bob Gandrud, Bruce Nicholson, and most recently Terry Rasmussen (pictured below at our virtual Annual Luncheon event) have been personally involved with BestPrep, setting a tone of stewardship, which Thrivent is so well known for. In 1981 when Bob Gandrud, CEO of Thrivent at the time, provided a keynote address on leadership, it was clear Thrivent was committed for the long-haul. In those early days the company provided scholarships for students to attend MBV.
Most recently, Thrivent helped BestPrep launch the Cloud Coach program at Southwest High School where 147 Thrivent volunteers mentored students. Many of these volunteers also participate in Classroom Plus, eMentors, Financial Matters and Minnesota Business Venture. For more than 42 years Thrivent has provided financial and volunteer support to prepare students in becoming career focused and financially capable.
Hats off to Thrivent and its many volunteers for investing in the future of Minnesota students!