BestPrep is honored to present RBC Wealth Management with our prestigious Humanitarian of the Year award. The award will be presented at the annual Birdies for BestPrep event on January 24, 2015. For more than 30 years, RBC Wealth Management has played a major role in the development and success of BestPrep. RBC Wealth Management was a founding member of The Stock Market Game program in 1991, has been a longtime eMentors participant, and continues to be one of the premier sponsors of the Educational Forum. A presentation of the award will be made during the event program. According to BestPrep CEO Bob Kaitz, “We are indebted to RBC Wealth Management for their long-term commitment to educating Minnesota students. There are literally thousands of students who are now more prepared for success because of the firm’s involvement in our programs. We are delighted to recognize their commitment with the Humanitarian of the Year Award.”
Mark your calendar to attend Birdies for BestPrep on January 24, 2015 at International Market Square, Minneapolis. With the theme of Night in the Northwoods, Birdies will feature miniature golf, a mega putt challenge, caricature artists, a raffle drawing, a 200+ item silent auction, a money grab machine, great prizes and more! In addition, D’Amico Catering will provide delicious food and a signature “Up North” cocktail.
To learn more about Birdies for BestPrep, visit our website or contact event coordinator Allie Klynderud. Look for your email invitation in early December.