Educators and business professionals know that education at a young age can lead to good financial decisions in the future. Financial Matters, a series of financial literacy presentations designed to help students develop sound money management skills, is provided at no cost to classrooms in Minnesota. Students have an opportunity to learn about topics like money, budgeting, and credit from a volunteer financial-industry professional. Educators choose the topic and dates, and BestPrep provides the volunteer. National Financial Literacy Month is in April, which is a great time to schedule speakers on a financial literacy topic. After going into the classroom, many volunteers tell us, “I wish this program existed when I was in high school!” To request a speaker for your class, visit our website.
Interested in other Financial Literacy Events?
Register Now! Minnesota Jump$tart’s Annual Event is scheduled for Thursday, April 30th at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. This year’s featured speaker is BestPrep Board Member Nicole Middendorf from Prosperwell Financial. She will present “Face Your Financial Fears,” designed to help you learn steps for successfully pursuing your, your family’s and children’s financial goals. Learn more about Nicole Middendorf here and register for the event online.