As a high school student who is interested in pursuing a career in business, it is crucial to see what the day to day responsibilities are like in the business world. Therefore when our internship teacher at Wayzata High School said we were going on a field trip to Career Day at U.S. Bank our class was pretty excited. BestPrep organizes Career Day at U.S. Bank and breaks the day into four sessions of different occupations that take place at U.S. Bank on a daily basis. There were twelve different occupations to choose from, and they ranged from Retail Banking to IT- Applications and Security. Each session was packed with information about the career field, what goes into their jobs, and how they got into their position after high school.
One of my personal favorites was Government Relations (who would’ve thought that U.S. Bank had a Government Department?). I went into this session not really knowing what to expect because I didn’t understand how the Government played a role in U.S. Bank, but I was surely proved wrong. The presenter, Stacie Holden, is Vice President of State Government Relations at U.S. Bank. With that title comes a lot of responsibility and that includes being a Lobbyist for U.S. Bank. The session consisted of her telling us how she came to be a lobbyist and some of the things she has lobbied for on behalf of U.S. Bank. I thought it was really interesting because she walked us through how you go about lobbying for a cause and what it takes. All in all I really enjoyed the session and it opened my eyes to all the behind the scenes that go into legislation passing.
At BestPrep’s Career Day at U.S. Bank there were 87 students from three different high schools across the metro. In addition to my internship class at Wayzata High School, there were also classes from Eagan and Stillwater High Schools. Educator Paul Kovach from Eagan High school commented:
“From a teacher perspective I would say the U.S. Bank Career Day was a success because my students were able to learn about some of the behind the scenes careers that are at U.S. Bank. My favorite part of the day was at the end of the day when students from all three high schools got a chance to network and meet each other”
Jeannie Fitchel, Vice President at U.S. Bank, and a member of the BestPrep Board of Directors, gave a keynote on how important it is to give back. She commended 20 volunteers from U.S. Bank who gave their time and energy to make BestPrep’s U.S. Bank Career Day a success. Stacie Holden, a volunteer, commented:
“I really enjoy sharing my career path with students. In particular, I am amazed by the insightful and thought provoking questions from students.”
Ultimately as a student, I believe it is valuable that BestPrep host events like BestPrep’s U.S. Bank Career Day because it gives you a chance to see career paths that aren’t as common, and also leaves you having knowledge of a potential career path you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Overall if you are looking for an experience that’ll leave you insightful and ready to take on the business world, participating in one of BestPrep’s six programs is for you.
Asia Lattimore-Williams, Student
Wayzata High School