Nearly 400 students and teachers kept learning alive this summer by participating in our summer programs. Check out the recap of each program below!
Students get creative at Minnesota Business Venture
A gas delivery service, a pillow that syncs with your iPhone, and a phone charger that uses walking to power up are just a few of the many wonderful product ideas born at this year’s Minnesota Business Venture (MBV). Of the 307 students that attended, 100% said they would recommend MBV to a friend. MBV creates opportunities that go beyond business as 97% of students say they feel more confident will soft skills such as teamwork, communication, management and leadership.
A student from Champlin Park had this to say about the experience,
“I learned more than I expected. This experience allowed me first hand to take on business and entrepreneurship! The program is very educational and fun as well. I think the best part about MBV is networking, which is crucial to knowing and having connections.”
Please visit our website to watch the MBV video, check out more highlights, or to nominate a student you think would benefit from attending in 2015.
Check out the new unit plans created at the Technology Integration Workshop
How can PollEverywhere be used to create a Flower shop? Which Ted Talks would you show a group of fourth graders learning about the human body? Answer these questions by checking out these new unit plans online. The units were created at this summer’s Technology Integration Workshop
Nearly 90 educators from across Minnesota spent four days with BestPrep learning how to best incorporate technology into their daily lessons and units. Ryan McCallum from Buffalo Hanover Montrose Schools gave the opening presentation inspiring teachers to think about Designing Engagements. The panel, What’s Trending in the Workplace helped attendees think beyond their classroom and what students will need to know when they enter the workforce. Job shadows hosted by volunteer Business Partners allowed participants to see today’s workspaces and answer questions one-on-one. Dr. Charles Miller and his team from the U of M’s Flipgrid inspired us to reshape education through innovation, design, and transformative learning opportunities.
Ryan Anderson, Prince of Peace Academy commented,
“The Technology Integration Workshop has been one of the best workshops I have attended in over 10 years of teaching.” He goes on to say, “I am already looking forward to the next one.”
Once again, the Graduate Business Programs in the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business was a fabulous host, meeting our every need. We hope you can join us next year as a participant or by hosting a teacher in a job shadow. Watch for dates to be announced for next summer in early 2015.