BestPrep is excited to announce TCF as the 2017 Humanitarian of the Year award winner for their continued and ongoing support of BestPrep and the education community of Minnesota.
For more than 25 years, TCF has provided financial and volunteer support to help students prepare for life after high school. Team members at TCF have made presentations in classrooms on financial and career topics through BestPrep’s Financial Matters and Classroom Plus programs. TCF also participates in eMentors each year, with team members mentoring a class of Minnesota high school students.
The Humanitarian of the Year Award will be presented to TCF at the annual Birdies for BestPrep gala on February 11, 2017 at the Radisson Blu Mall of America. Birdies will feature a new menu and signature cocktails. Birdies for BestPrep hosts unique activities for the whole family such as: miniature golf, mega putt, caricature artists, an interactive heads & tails game, a raffle drawing, a money grab machine, wall of wine, door prizes, and a 200+ item silent auction.
To learn more about Birdies for BestPrep, visit our website or contact Allie Baker at abaker@bestprep.org. Look for your invitation in early November.