Summer is right around the corner and with it comes BestPrep’s summer program, Minnesota Business Venture (MBV). The 2014 sessions of MBV will take place July 13-18 at St. Cloud State University and July 27-August 1 at St. John’s University in Collegeville.
We have a couple exciting opportunities for you to take part in at MBV this year. Please consider volunteering as a Mock Interviewer, Business Plan Judge, and/or Financial Planner.
Mock Interviewer: During the week, students complete a job application in preparation for a potential job opportunity. The next step is the interview. As a Mock Interviewer, you conduct a brief interview with a student, followed by feedback to help them improve. Numerous interviews will be held over a two hour period. Volunteers are briefed and provided with sample questions. Thirty volunteers are welcome each week.
Business Plan Judge: Throughout the week at MBV, students work in groups, called “companies,” to create a Business Plan for a hypothetical product of their own design. Each group presents their Business Plan at the end of the week to a panel of Business Plan Judges. Participating as a judge is an excellent opportunity for you to see what students learn at MBV, and to give feedback to students on the Business Plan that they have worked very hard to create. Twenty volunteers are welcome each week.
Financial Planner: Students are eager to know about budgeting and investing. However, very few high school students take a money management or personal finance course. We are seeking professional financial planners and/or advisors to lead small groups of students in discussions about the importance of effective budgeting and financial planning. Volunteers are briefed and provided with curriculum. Fifteen volunteers are welcome each week.
Resident Business Leader: Want to experience all that camp has to offer? Come onto campus for the full week and lead a small group of students! More information on this management and leadership development opportunity can be found here.