We are delighted to introduce eMBV – BestPrep’s virtual Minnesota Business Venture summer camp for high school students! Due to the current health threat, we have made the decision to transition Minnesota Business Venture to an exclusively digital platform. We’re so glad to provide this fantastic opportunity for students during this time of uncertainty and change.
While past years of MBV have taken place for a full week on a college campus, in 2020, students will participate at home virtually with their computers, tablets, or smart phones. eMBV offers two sessions for students to choose from: July 13-15 and July 27-29, from 9am-1pm CST each day.
The program allows students to experience a unique and fun opportunity to connect with others and prepare for their futures while staying safe and healthy at home. eMBV will utilize top-of-the-line virtual platforms to provide students with a seamless and educational experience that other summer camps can’t offer.
Students will work in small teams or “companies” to create a fictitious product and business plan that is presented at the end of the session. Other activities include guest keynote speakers, scavenger hunts, team-building exercises, breakout sessions, mock interviews. An added feature this year will be drop-in motivational messages from national and local celebrities, including entertainers, business executives, and athletes.
eMBV registration is open for all Minnesota high school students completing grades 9-12. Enrollment is $50, which covers three days of content and an eMBV toolkit and bonus gifts. Financial aid is available for students who demonstrate financial need. The cost of the program is kept low thanks to BestPrep’s generous donors, including businesses, foundations, and individuals. The deadline to register is Friday, June 19, 2020. Students who have already registered and paid the $150 fee prior to this transition will be refunded $100 by the end of May. Students who do not have access to a device or internet will be supplied with what they need.
The program will utilize volunteers in the business world to guide students through the activities. We are looking for Resident Business Leaders to mentor and lead the student companies, Business Plan Judges to evaluate the business plan presentation videos, and Mock Interviewers to help students practice their interview skills. Those interested in volunteering with eMBV should sign up online here.
Students can register for eMBV online now through June 19th.
For questions, email mbv@bestprep.org.